Additional Learning Needs

At Lamphey Primary School we want to make sure that:

  • Children, their parents and young people’s views, wishes and feelings are listened to when decisions are being made about how to help children and young people.
  • The right support is put in place quickly to help children and young people with ALN.
  • Everyone works together to help children and young people with ALN, including education and health services.
  • Most children and young people with ALN are able to go to their local nursery, school, PRU or college, if it is right for them.
  • Children and their families are able to access learning support even before they start school or nursery.
  • Children, their parents and young people understand the additional learning provision (ALP) being offered.
  • If children, their parents or young people are not happy with decisions about statements, there are rights in law to help them do something about it.
  • Children and young people with ALN get help in Welsh wherever possible if they need it.

Additional Learning Needs | What's happening...

The way children who receive additional support for their learning in Wales is changing. New legislation including the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (ALNET) Act 2018, and the ALN Code will be implemented over a 3 year period, from September 2021.

Click on the image to enlarge or please download the PDF here:

Parent Partnership Service

Pembrokeshire’s Parent Partnership Service provides impartial advice and information about Additional Learning Needs (ALN) and the ALN system

This information and advice is available to everyone, including children, their parents and young people aged up to 25 years in non-advanced education (this means further education but not higher education).

Being impartial means we don’t take sides; the advice and information is unbiased and objective.

As a local service about Additional Learning Needs we can offer accurate, impartial support and guidance needed for families to make informed choices.

What we do:

Services offered by the Parent Partnership Service include:

  • A listening ear to talk things through
  • Help to understand services and support for children and young people with ALN
  • Practical help in understanding professional reports, children’s reports, and other written documents.
  • Support at meetings
  • Support with communication with schools, settings and colleges
  • Information around making decisions about school and other educational placements.
  • Support to build and maintain good working relationships with professionals.
  • Support for parents to play an active and valued role in their child’s education and development: giving families a voice

We can also provide information about:

  • Parental support opportunities and services available
  • Information about activities, clubs, support groups and other services for children and young people with ALN
  • Information on the way schools, settings and colleges support learners with Additional Learning Needs
  • Information about the role of the Local Authority for children and young people with ALN
  • Information about the role of Local Health Boards for children and young people with ALN
  • And lots more…

Our helpline is available Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Phone: 01437 776354


Mrs Williams


Mr Price

Class Teacher