Welcome to Skrinkle!

Croeso i Ddosbarth Skrinkle!

Welcome Parents, Carers and Pupils to Dosbarth Skrinkle. Another exciting year at Lamphey Primary School with Miss Lewis and Mrs Williams leading the class learning.

The children in Skrinkle can look forward to a wide range of authentic learning experiences through cross curricular themes which promote literacy, numeracy and DCF skills as well as developing questioning, engagement and skill progression in other areas of learning such as expressive arts, science and technology, humanities and health and well-being.

Lessons are balanced to ensure the children learn skills at a greater depth. We strive to challenge each individual so they reach or even surpass their potential. Lessons are engaging with regular opportunities to increase their level of challenge through ‘chilli challenges’. We feel it is important that all children have routine and structure; they feel confident, have support if needed, but also have the freedom to challenge themselves too.

At the start of each theme, children participate in the planning process through sharing their prior knowledge and posing questions to further their learning. As part of this, we invite and encourage visitors into school to share their expertise.

The children are encouraged to use Welsh at every opportunity and within the class our Criw Cymraeg act as positive role models for the whole school. We have also recently introduced French lessons into our curriculum too.

As well as using our beautiful outdoor area to support our learning, we also use the local environment for inspiration. In Skrinkle class, year 5 pupils take a trip to Pendine for a residential visit during the year where they take part in a number of opportunities to increase their confidence, team work and problem-solving skills. A wonderful experience for them all. An opportunity for some to try something new.

Independence Skills

Parents can support children in their independence by giving their child lots of opportunities to practise these skills by taking on responsibility for tasks or chores. This might include being responsible for organising P.E kit or other resources for school or by helping them to return homework on time.


The teacher and children plan their homework together, deciding on a number of challenges linked to the Four Purposes. The children are asked to complete a minimum of two activities over a half term. There may be extra tasks that are sent home to provide opportunities to consolidate the learning at school. Weekly spellings are sent home to practise each week so would appreciate support with these. The children have access to Times Table Rockstars and Hwb with its wealth of programs.

Health and Wellbeing

Our P.E, games, health and wellbeing sessions take place on a Wednesday and Thursday. In Winter, pupils would benefit from having the correct footwear for these sessions as well as wear their P.E kit to school. The children of Skrinkle class also participate in swimming lessons during the year. We are very much a healthy and active school and really nurture and encourage the children to take part in extra-curricular sporting clubs as often as possible.


‘Reading is dreaming with your eyes open’- The skill of reading is encouraged and nurtured through individual, group and whole class reading. Children should aim to read at home on a regular basis to further develop their comprehension and confidence.

In Skrinkle class, every day is a new learning opportunity, come and join the fun!


Miss Lewis

Class Teacher

Mrs Williams

Class Teacher