Welcome to Barafundle!

Croeso i Ddosbarth Barafundle!

We are the Nursery team, Miss Alborn, Miss Mary and Miss Claire.

We understand that starting school is a big step for both parents and children. Therefore, We provide a nurturing, caring and happy environment to ensure that both children and parents have a positive first experience of school life, equipping them with skills to move into full time school as happy, confident learners.

Our vibrant Nursery Classroom provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere that encourages the children to feel safe, secure, and comfortable. We have a range of learning areas that are themed to enhance cross curricular learning providing a range of fun learning opportunities which help to develop the pupil’s social and independence skills, curiosity and enthusiasm!

During their time in Nursery, the children will have lots of opportunities to develop their confidence and independence through taking part in a variety of fun, sensory learning experiences with a balance of child initiated and adult directed play activities.

We consider outdoor learning, play and connection with nature a crucial part of every child’s development so we use the outdoor learning environment whenever possible to encourage the children to investigate the natural habitat around them. We work with our children to promote, instil, and maintain a healthy lifestyle and of course a love and enjoyment of physical activity through PE and Amser Snac.

We look forward to welcoming you, and hope that your children will create wonderful memories and lifelong friends.


Miss Alborn

Nursery Co-ordinator

Mrs Badham


Mrs Eddison