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Summary of ESTYN report 2018
“Lamphey Primary School is a welcoming and caring community. It provides an imaginative range of exciting learning experiences that motivate pupils to achieve well. As a result, nearly all pupils show positive attitudes towards their learning and behave responsibly. The school values the opinions of pupils and parents highly.
Leaders take good account of their views when making decisions and this fosters a strong collective commitment to developing the school for the benefit of all.
Teaching is of a consistently high standard across the school. All staff have valuable opportunities to engage in focused professional development activity. This has a very positive impact on the skills and confidence of staff and is instrumental in securing improvement in the standards pupils achieve. For example, the skilful teaching of creative writing contributes strongly to the very good progress many pupils make as they move through the school.
The school is very well led. Leaders have a clear and accurate understanding of the school’s strengths and areas for improvement. They lead change successfully and ensure that staff work together very effectively as a team Governors contribute purposefully to setting the school’s strategic direction and support its work well.”