The Friends of Lamphey Primary School
Our school is fortunate enough to have hugely committed and active fundraising group called the Friends of Lamphey School. We, as a team, work very hard to raise much needed funds to enhance the education, support and general working and play environment for all our children.
A successful event, whether it is by way of financial reward or just enjoyment, needs the joint effort from parents, teachers, children and friends.
Friends of Lamphey Primary School is about much, much more than just fundraising. We, as are extremely conscious about the ethos of the school and we try hard when organising events to respect this.
All parents and members of the school community can get involved if they want to, even if they only have a small amount of time available. All parents are automatically members of the Association when their children join our school. We have regular meeting throughout the year in the school when we look at ideas, previous events, what we need to raise funds for and put into action our ideas for the next event. Not all our events are fundraisers as we feel it is important to sometimes just focus on bringing staff, parents and children together and as a way of thanking families for their continued support
Whether you can give your time, ideas, skills or just support us we will be very grateful. It is a great way to get to meet new people in a very relaxed and friendly atmosphere whilst also helping to support the school in being the very best that it can be.