Welcome to Amroth!

Croeso i Ddosbarth Amroth!

Dosbarth Amroth have PE/ Games on Monday and Friday. The children are required to wear their P.E. kits in school on these days. The children also participate in swimming lessons during the year. We are very much a healthy and active school and really nurture and encourage the children to take part in extra-curricular sporting clubs as much as possible.

It would be great if children could bring in a pair of wellies/old shoes and a coat for our Health and Wellbeing/Outdoor Schools sessions.


The teacher and children plan their homework together, deciding on a number of challenges linked to the Four Purposes. The children are asked to complete a minimum of two activities over a half term. There may be extra tasks that are sent home to provide opportunities to consolidate the learning at school, as well as a chance for parents to have an insight to how they child is progressing. The children also have spellings to practise each week. The children are set tasks on Times Table Rockstars and have access to the Hwb and all its programs.


The skill of reading is very much nurtured and encouraged within Dosbarth Amroth and hence, the children are required to bring their reading books to school every day. They should aim to read at home on a regular basis to further develop their comprehension and confidence. Reading opens doorways – it enhances their language and oracy skills and fires their imagination when writing.


Miss Pegg

Class Teacher/Assistant Headteacher