Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE)

RSE is a positive and protective part of the Curriculum for Wales. It plays a central role in supporting learners’ rights to enjoy fulfilling, healthy and safe relationships throughout their lives. RSE is also a key part of our safeguarding role at Lamphey Primary School.

Central to the Curriculum for Wales is an aspiration for every child and young person to achieve the four purposes of the curriculum. A rights and equity based RSE curriculum helps ensure that all learners can develop an understanding of how people’s faith, beliefs, human rights and cultures are related to all aspects of RSE and how these rights can contribute to the freedom, dignity, well-being and safety of all people. Therefore, within Lamphey Primary School, we will discuss RSE in the context of the Rights protected by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Learning in RSE should highlight the right to:

  • non-discrimination (Article 2)
  • be heard and involved in decision-making (Article 12)
  • freedom of expression (Article 13)
  • follow your own religion (Article 14)
  • have privacy (Article 16)
  • access information to make informed decisions (Article 17)
  • not be harmed and should be looked after and kept safe (Article 19)
  • experience the highest attainable health, access to health facilities, and preventative health care (Article 24)
  • education that prepares children to understanding others (Article 29)
  • protection from sexual abuse and exploitation (Article 34)
  • get special help if they have been abused (Article 39)

Article 3: everyone who works with children should always do what is best for each child, is relevant to RSE, as it is to the whole curriculum.

RSE at Lamphey Primary School will support learners to develop the knowledge, skills and values to understand how relationships and sexuality shape their lives as well as the lives of others. Learners will be equipped and empowered to seek support on issues relating to RSE and to advocate for self and others.

RSE is a mandatory requirement in the Curriculum for Wales for all learners from age 3 to 16 (“the Act”). This means that all learners must receive this education. There is no right to withdraw from RSE within the Curriculum for Wales.

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